We have found several custom CPT codes that were entered without the CPT code itself just a title. When that happened, the note did not error out on the Claims Feed so we were unaware of the error until randomly found. The error is ours, but an alert or at least a "transmission failed" or "validation failed" on that DOS needs to be included on the report.
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We had the same issue. A custom code for Mechanical Traction was entered with two of the CPT code numbers inadvertently switched. ie.) 97012 is correct, but was entered by the therapist as 97102. This caused all of the claims to be rejected, and we didn't realize it until several weeks later. We had to contact support and have the issue escalated to find out how to get the 2.0 claims to show up on the claim feed report in 1.0 as "they all looked good on their supports end in Analytics setting". (Call ref# 01258367)
Hello! Thanks for your feedback. Per our conversation today our Support team will be taking a look into this issue. Any finalized notes that did not have "Do Not Bill" selected that did not send a billing snapshot should have shown as a failure on the Claims Feed Report.
Also, we do not allow a custom code to be added without indicating the CPT code, so hopefully this prevents the issue in the future. Thanks so much for letting us know!